Sunday, November 27, 2011

Make your own Eye Primer at HOME!

Aiight so PRIMERS are very much in the buzz as they hold the eye shadows for longer hours and they do NOT CREASE the eye-shadows. Now a good high brand eye primer does not come in good lot quantity and is expensive too! And since we do our makeup almost everyday we tend to use it a lot too so investing in an high end primer gets a lil hard too. So am gona show you a technique to make your own primers AT HOME and help you SAVE up a lot!

So let's get Started!
Things you will need:

1. Foundation ( Any will do ... Drug store or high end)
2. Concealer (Any will do ... Drug store or high end)
3. Body Butter (prefer butter creams as they are thick in consistency other wise any moisturizer works fine)
4. Aloe Vera gel (optional, for the base feel, am not including the gel in this post but I do mix it at times)
5. Empty pot
6. Tooth pick ( to mix)
7. Spatula

In the clean empty pot add the foundation, concealer and butter. Amount does not matter as long as you take all the three in equal quantities.

Mix well with the help of a tooth pick.

Tadaaa your primer is ready! 


The result will not be as high end like the primers should be, but it does help the eye shadows to enhance, stay on for 5 to 8 hours long and doesn't crease.