Thursday, November 24, 2011

Home-made Skin Lightening Mask

Mix 1T each of Cucumber juice, Lemon juice, Tomato juice, and Sandalwood paste. Mix well and apply all over face and neck. If you're face is darker than your neck, which most of the times it is, esp during summer, apply only face avoiding eye area. Let the mask dry and wash it off with warm water. Apply moisturizer

For girls in Doha, Sandalwood powder is available in most of the Indian markets and the ones in India, easily available in all beauty stores. 

Properties of Each:
Cucumber: Rich in Vit B, it clears and maintain your complexion, effectively circumventing pimples and blackheads. Use of this juice daily as a toner gives amazing results. It helps in softening and has a cooling effect that will soothe the pain associated with sunburn. It also has whitening properties.

Lemon: Rich in fruit acids and Vitamin C that can help to control excessive sebum production that leads to oily skin, prevent acne breakouts, gently peel away dead skin cells, and improve the skin’s natural healing abilities to achieve a fresh, clear, and smoother skin.

Tomato: Rich in beta-carotene, Vitamin A, C and proteins, and have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants available in nature. Tomatoes help treat acne, allergies and rashes, among other skin condition thereby making them ideal for skin rejuvenating treatments. They also contain natural astringent properties that help treat common problems like excessive oil in the skin. Tomatoes help remove excessive oil from the skin and restore its natural shine.

Sandalwood: It detoxifies the skin by removing impurities directly as it dries on the skin. It also removes toxins by increasing circulation in the skin, leaving it glowing and feeling tighter. Sandalwood also has an alluring fragrance. Used for many medicinal purposes too. 

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