Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Glam Magazine Contest and Faces Goody Bag

Last year Glam Magazine Doha and Faces Doha had put up a contest on their Facebook Page, well it was in December 2011, sounds like an year yeah haha and the winner would be getting a Good Bag worth QR 300/-

They had asked to come up with five words using the letters FACES and each word should define what beauty means to you! The post with the most "Likes" would be declared as the winner!! So it was one of those days where I was surfing Facebook out of boredom and I came across this contest. So I was like let's give a try. So I posted this on the Faces page tagging Glam's page.

GLAM - Qatar's No. 1 Fashion Title This is what I have come up with five words using the letters: F, A, C, E and S - each word define what beauty means to me.

"F"air "A"lluring "C"lassy "E"nticing and "S"tunning

And I left the page and completely forgot about it. Then one fine day I get an E-mail stating I won the Goody Bag!! I was like WOW and checked the page only to find out among the other posts posted, mine got the highest "Likes". haha If you are one of them and reading this post, then I wana say THANK YOU!!


My Goody Bag had:

-Molten Brown Hand soothing lotion
- Makeup Brush Traveler kit
- Makeup Pouch
- Givenchy Lip Gloss and Foundation Samples
- Assorted Perfume Samples

Thank you Glam Magazine Doha and Faces Doha for the Goody Bag, am totally LOVING it!! <3